Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta glogster. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta glogster. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010


October 31st is Halloween.

I will share with you some sites

A quiz.
you can also watch this webcast done by an American teacher, a friend of mine, for you. You will learn about candies sold in the United States for Halloween

and while students watch the webcast they can answer:

how many candies does she mention?

which do you like best?

Are any of them sold in Argentina?

Students can also have fun with a song

with a quiz:

Or play games

You can ask students to make glogs An idea would be to make simple glogs with this application where they will post and write some simple sentences and add Halloween games, this way they will share games and get interested.

Have fun!

Publicado por Gabriela Rosso en 18:24 1 comentarios

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Proyecto del British Council

El miércoles 22 de septiembre fueron a la Escuela Granja, la escuela 18 DE 21, dos personas del British council para observar la marcha del proyecto de Intercambio entre escuelas de Argentina e Irlanda del Norte. Además de los chicos de la Escuela Granja,concurrieron alumnos de del DE 12 y la profesora de Inglés y CET de la escuela 7/8. Allí se mostraron las producciones de los chicos de las escuelas de CABA y las cartas de los niños de Irlanda.

La profesora Laura Tubio, realizó con sus alumnos de la escuela 7 DE 8, dos glogsters muy interesantes y un video con la leyenda del Ceibo. Comparto aquí los glogsters y el video y expreso mis más sinceras felicitaciones a Laura y a Andrea Campos, CET de la escuela, que ha sido siempre un apoyo y aporte invalorable para que esta actividad se pudiera llevar a cabo.

martes, 1 de junio de 2010


You can create posters on line easily with this application. Just register and start creating. Lately, they started the site for education, in which you can create your students'accounts. I will share a presentation I did for my 7th Grade students

what I like about it:
- it's very easy and user friendly.
- you can upload music, text, video, images
- very attractive visually
- Students can work on : their own description, their school. their likes and dislikes.
- I think it is a good alternative for the World Championship, they can look for information about countries and publish a glogster.