miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Global Education Conference 2010

El martes 16 de noviembre a las 2pm di una charla junto a Bill Reilly desde Usa y Mikhail Timonin desde Rusia acerca de un proyecto que hicimos hace años y que ellos continúan. La ponencia se llama : Global Coalition for Peace and Global Awareness ( Coalición Global para la Paz y la conciencia Mundial). Durante la misma traduje brevemente lo que los expositores decíamos.
Para escucharlo hacer click aquí. Pued tardar un poco en cargar.

Espero sus comentarios!


El video Going Global subtitulado en castellano

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Creative use of glogster

I have a list of blogs I follow. One of them is Lifefeast by Ana María Menezes, it is full of ideas and excellent posts. She mentions some glogsters, created by a Bulgarian teacher,which are really worth seeing. She presents vocabulary lists or grammar items in a very creative way using glogsters.

This one is about food:

Another one about the farm:http://sunrise651.edu.glogster.com/on-the-farm/

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010


October 31st is Halloween.

I will share with you some sites

A quiz.
you can also watch this webcast done by an American teacher, a friend of mine, for you. You will learn about candies sold in the United States for Halloween

and while students watch the webcast they can answer:

how many candies does she mention?

which do you like best?

Are any of them sold in Argentina?

Students can also have fun with a song

with a quiz:

Or play games

You can ask students to make glogs An idea would be to make simple glogs with this application where they will post and write some simple sentences and add Halloween games, this way they will share games and get interested.

Have fun!

Publicado por Gabriela Rosso en 18:24 1 comentarios

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

Top sites

I've been asked to choose good sites for Teaching English and to make a " tutorial" of them.

I'm starting by mentioning three sites which are very useful.

http://recursostic.educacion.es/primaria/hello/web/portada.html is an excellent site, with many activities. Children will enjoy it for sure.

this is the tutorial

Another site which is worth visiting is Language guide. And here you can find a simple guide.

LearnEnglishkids is the site developed by the British Council for children. It's user friendly, however, some of the activities might be too difficult for our students at school.


lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Proyecto del British Council

El miércoles 22 de septiembre fueron a la Escuela Granja, la escuela 18 DE 21, dos personas del British council para observar la marcha del proyecto de Intercambio entre escuelas de Argentina e Irlanda del Norte. Además de los chicos de la Escuela Granja,concurrieron alumnos de del DE 12 y la profesora de Inglés y CET de la escuela 7/8. Allí se mostraron las producciones de los chicos de las escuelas de CABA y las cartas de los niños de Irlanda.

La profesora Laura Tubio, realizó con sus alumnos de la escuela 7 DE 8, dos glogsters muy interesantes y un video con la leyenda del Ceibo. Comparto aquí los glogsters y el video y expreso mis más sinceras felicitaciones a Laura y a Andrea Campos, CET de la escuela, que ha sido siempre un apoyo y aporte invalorable para que esta actividad se pudiera llevar a cabo.



martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

International Day of Peace

September 21st is the International Day of Peace. Some years ago, at school, we celebrated spinning many pinwheels in the garden of the school. It was fun and we had a great time!

This is the site

And you can see the pictures in my blogs.

I hope you can celebrate this day in your school and your students can write peace messages on their pinwheels!

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Emerging Technologies

En esta presentación de Steve Wheeler se muestra como los dispositivos móviles están cambiando dramáticamente y como el incremento de la movilidad va a cambiar el patrón de aprendizaje en el futuro.

lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010


Este blog lo denominé my journey to ICT, que quiere decir mi trayectoria hacia las TIC.En esta presentación, se muestran 7 pasos para lograr la propia red de aprendizaje, algo fundamental en esta época. Está en inglés .Uno de los pasos que menciona es el social bookmarking, y para mí, es fundamental poder compartir sitios fácilmente entre colegas.
7 Easy Steps for Creating Your Own PLN
View more presentations from Believe Kids.

jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010


Edmodo es un sitio especialmente diseñado para la educación. Comparte características con Twitter, porque es un sitio de microblogging y con Facebook ,porque de un tema se desprenden "threads".
En Edmodo, alumnos y docentes intercambian información en un entorno muy seguro. En esta suerte de aula virtual, se pueden enviar notas, videos, vínculos y archivos sin ninguna dificultad. Tiene calendario para organizar la tarea escolar y un cuaderno de notas. También se envían las tareas a los alumnos y encuestas de una manera muy sencilla.
Desde que lo descubrí, estoy fascinada y promuevo su uso por donde voy. Aquí un tutorial:

martes, 27 de julio de 2010


Hasta ahora escribí en inglés porque este blog estaba dedicado a mis colegas, los profesores de
inglés, However, como he dado capacitaciones a profesores de italiano, francés y portugués, quisiera que ellos también comiencen a utilizar herramientas de la web 2.0 que pueden aplicarse a cualquier idioma.

Una de ellas es voki, una herramienta que se llama de tipo " text to speech", o sea de texto a discurso.

Mi experiencia personal es que a los chicos les encanta, que les fascina armar su avatar y en el caso específico del inglés mientras lo van creando , van incorporando vocabulario. También les gusta mucho oir su voz. Crear el avatar es muy sencillo y los alumnos lo van a hacer sin ninguna dificultad.


  • Cada alumno puede crear su avatar y hacer su presentación personal online y de esta manera estimular la oralidad. Después cada voki se sube al blog.
  • El docente puede crear un voki y postearlo en el blog a modo de apertura del mismo. En mi caso personal lo tenía en el blog de grado y cambiaba lo que decía según el tema a estudiar como el caso del voki que ven en esta entrada.
  • Una profesora de inglés el otro día me contó que hicieron un voki para pasar de texto a voz y les hizo notar las diferencias que hay entre las diferentes variantes del inglés. Lo mismo pueden hacer en francés y en portugués.

Su uso es sumamente sencillo. Lo primero que hay que hacer es registrarse

Una vez registrados, se debe hacer click en " Create"

y voilá, de ahí en más siguen los pasos, donde dice " customize your avatar".

Una vez creado el avatar, van a tener que hacerlo " parlante" para lo cual, pueden grabar a través de la computadora, del teléfono, de texto a voz o subir un archivo de sonido.

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010



This site is very interesting. However, for our students it could be a bit difficult. You must try to find songs which they know and they search it in the site. By motivating them, you can then teach different structures and vocabulary.

Teaching Grammar Through songs

I found this site via Nick Peachey 's blog. It is amazing. It enables to practise grammar through songs. You just have to type the structure you want to learn, and a list of songs will turn up which will link to a clip

martes, 1 de junio de 2010

Developing Reading Skills

Besides WEB 2.0, I will also include some sites to develop the basic skills. Now I will deal with Reading.

Some I found at Larry Ferrazzo's blog.
Put cartoon strips in order and answer comprehension questions. (Great!)

http://www.zapdramatic.com/mod1.htm You can read, listen and watch a very exciting story. You are even asked to interact with the events. SUPERB!


You can create posters on line easily with this application. Just register and start creating. Lately, they started the site for education, glosgster.edu in which you can create your students'accounts. I will share a presentation I did for my 7th Grade students

what I like about it:
- it's very easy and user friendly.
- you can upload music, text, video, images
- very attractive visually
- Students can work on : their own description, their school. their likes and dislikes.
- I think it is a good alternative for the World Championship, they can look for information about countries and publish a glogster.

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010


Another webtool that is very useful and friendly is Voicethread. Below you will see a tutorial I did in Spanish.

What I like about it:

- It's easy and it allows comments either text or speech.
- You can share it and many people can comment as long as they register.

I share a voicethread my friend Lorraine did and where some of her friends commented

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010


One day I received an email from a teacher in Boston, Lorraine, who wanted to chat with other schools over skype. I remember asking her what it was and what was needed to be able to speak or as it is said nowadays to "skype". She answered "just a microphone". We tested it and it worked!!!
I spread the word in my school and we installed it. They also bought many headsets so that children could speak to their friends abroad.From that moment onwards, we were able to speak to many people, not only to Lorraine and Bill but to some other classrooms all over the world.

What I like about it:

-Easy to download, just go to skype and click " download", then you have to create your account, and that's all!!
- You can speak to many people at the same time ( without video) or to one person ( with video)
-you can share your screen.
-Many people use it so it is very easy to communicate with it.

Joining a project

It was a pleasure when I received an email from Bill R, Global Coalition webmaster and teacher of Bethlehem Central School in Upstate New York. He wrote to me to join his project and I did. We started exchanging emails among our students, then we started to speak over skype and also exchanged letters, videos of our schools, posters. It was fun to be able to see their school and some other schools in the world. We also did some newscast and as my students'English was very basic, we just wrote the news together on the blackboard and then typed it in an email, his students then recorded Argentina's news.
We worked together for many years and we really had fun, students enjoyed the experience very much and learnt a lot about other people in the world.

Eventually, we became good friends and I met him when I was in New York in 2008, he met us at the airport, toured us around New York city, got lost in Brooklyn and had dinner at Carmine's.It was incredible to meet him!!!


Epals is the World's Largest K-12 Learning Network.

First, you must register as a teacher and write your profile. As soon as you post it, you will receive emails of teachers who are seeking to do projects. If they don't suit you, You can go to Classroom match and look for classrooms all over the world.

What I like:

- Monitored emails: All the messages that are sent and received go into your inbox. This way, you don't have any problems with privacy and by the way you can check and grade your students' letters.
- Students are much more exposed to reading.
- Students are given the chance to use language in a meaningful way with real people and get to understand that English is a " lingua Franca" which allows you to understand people all over the world.
-Teachers meet teachers worldwide.
- Classes can join projects in epals.


domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

My first step

As we couldn't send snail mail any longer due to the high price, I started to look for partners to send emails to.

I was at a loss, how did I find a teacher abroad who would exchange emails with my students?

I don't know if it was easy or difficult but quite quickly found epals

It was fantastic, and soon got to know many teachers who are now my friends.